Discover your values with a powerful action plan
Research shows that people experience more fulfillment and less distress when they are clear about their core values. Our brand new Values Assessment is an AI-powered application that helps individuals (and organizations) discover their values with practical advice for achieving values alignment.
The tool takes around ⏳ 15 minutes to complete and delivers a comprehensive, personalized Values Action Plan to you via email.
This is a free toolkit, and your 🔒 privacy is assured.

Much has been written about “stress management” techniques that are primarily behavioral in nature — such as getting adequate sleep, regular exercise, and mental downtime; taking vacation; doing controlled breathing; practicing yoga or mindfulness meditation; or getting acupuncture treatments. But relatively little has been written recently on the benefits of self-disciplined articulation of a philosophical worldview and core values that help us weather the storms and devastations that inevitably rock our lives and careers.
David Brendel, MD, PhD, Harvard Business Review

An AI-driven approach to values discovery
Old-fashioned methods for discovering values require paper, pen, reference guides, and a whole lot of time. We built the Values Assessment to make the process fun and intuitive, with some open-ended questions and drag-and-drop lists.
It takes less than 15 minutes to discover what is most important to you. The tool will send you an email containing your comprehensive Values Action Plan with habits, rituals, and mindsets for each of your top 3 values.
It will also share how to overcome an obstacle using your values.
Participants who affirmed their values had significantly lower cortisol responses to stress, compared with control participants.
Affirmation of Personal Values Buffers Neuroendocrine and Psychological Stress Responses. University of California.

Workplace values demystified.
Understand your team.
Our peer-reviewed values assessment is a robust tool that provides insight into what matters most. Stop second-guessing when it comes to HR or cultural interventions—find out what is most important to your team and shape your training and incentives around that.

Discover, define and align values at work
The full app experience enables you to distribute an access code to your workplace (or any other kind of group) so that people can register, define and prioritize their values.
We then produce a group report detailing what is most important to your group. This may be quite different from what you thought.
As the leadership team, you can then craft a values statement that incorporates real feedback from your people.
Your people can continue to track alignment with their personal values, and you can optionally ask them to track alignment with the corporate values.
- 4 dimensions of values: including Belonging, Growth, Impact and Fulfillment
- 48 values to choose from
- Definitions for every value
- Group reports showing the most popular values in a team
- Enable participants to set micro-habits based on their values
- Provide your team with a powerful tool to support well-being
Interested in the Values Assessment or need support?
Contact us for assistance.
Value tracking only
For organizations that have already identified their values, we can offer a simple alignment tracker.
This is a tracking app, preconfigured with your custom set of values and a tracker to enable your people to measure alignment daily or weekly. You’ll know if, as a group, you’re walking the talk.
Best of all, the app is branded with your logo!